Sunday, April 3, 2011

PC's and the Masses

Ever since PC's hit the market most of those sold had Microsoft operating systems installed by default. Most users stayed with this operating system and didn't venture out looking for a better way to utilize their new tool. A few did not (I am not referring to Apple here. That is a different subject).

Being satisfied with what comes with your new PC can leave you open to viruses and malware. Most of the time, depending on the sources of purchase, you have at least 90 days free virus protection of you new PC.

These value added application such a Norton and Mcfee are subscription based adding cost to your PC.

What do you do to bring down the cost of your new PC. Well, there are open source application that are available that do not cost you if do not want to purchase them.

These applications are voluntary, but I do encourage donations if you can afford it. Those who create and maintain these applications would appreciate your donation.

One such anti-virus application is clamwin. Using clamwin is simple to install and configure to you particular needs, and does protect you PC as well as and in some cases better than closed source applications.

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