Monday, November 8, 2010

Fedora 14 Synaptics Mouse fix

I am working on a Gateway NV7922u laptop the I purchased this past spring.

For several days I have been trying to get my synaptics mouse to work. No matter what I tried it didn't work. All of the help that I found on the Internet didn't work. But I did find out why it was not working.

When I re-installed Fedora 13 I had wireless mouse and key board set up. The installation found the input devices with a problem, but my synaptics mouse would not work.

What I finally figured out was during the install the installation only recognized the wireless devices and did not load the synaptics modules. After doing a depmod synaptics_i2c.ko the modules loded properly. 

As simple a loading a module my synaptics worked.

I have to say this. I have worked with Linux for more than 15 years, and I still have those duh moments.

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