Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My change from Fedora 13 to Linux Mint

For months I was looking for a way to fix my display in Fedora 13. I was not able to find one, and was not able find anyone who had the same issue as my laptop. My laptop is a Gateway NV7922U with a i5 processor with 4 Gb's of RAM and Intel HD graphics. Let me add I have been  Fedora user for 13 years starting with Red Had version 4.x. Through all of that time Fedora did not let me down. It saddens me that I had to change to get the support that I needed.

My change to Linux Mint 9 did not go with out some difficulty, but the video worked with out issues during and after the install. The main thing that I found a problem with was the sound. The sound was muted and would not work until I made a change. I needed to create a modprobe.conf file with the addition of options 'snd-hda-intel model=6stack-dig'.

After rebooting I had sound.

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